Case Study
Newsletter Rebranding
The American Academy of Periodontology newsletter, much like the interest level of the readers was flat and boring. It had been in this format for over 10 years and the association decided it needed a facelift. After client research and listening to what the members had to say, ICG set out to rebrand and redesign the newsletter. It needed to have an identity on it’s own, and after a concepting round of about 20 names, Periospectives was chosen (blend of Periodontology and perspectives). Original, catchy, professional, and descriptive.
The graphics and form needed a face lift. Rich images (both full bleed and on white backgrounds) anchor the covers. Clean lines, minimal type, and small violators increase the visual appeal and entice the reader to read more. The size of the newsletter was also reduced from 13” x 19” to 8.5” x 11”, a more practical and traditional magazine size that is easy to put in a briefcase or take on the go. Also no folding required and cheaper to print.
The new Periospectives has been a huge hit with members and breathed life into a stale and often unread publication. After only 3 issues the client reports that the rebranding has been largely successful with members using the term “Periospectives” as though it was an industry standard term. The new magazine won 4 different design awards.
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Imagine Creative Group, Inc. is a marketing and design studio based in the Chicago area. We specialize in branding, publications, and collateral. |